| Last Updated::05/03/2024

Major Activities & Events


*** Events ***

26 Sept - 26 Oct 2022 | Participation in Reintroduction of Cheetah Campaign Contest

(Source: https://www.mygov.in/)

ENVIS Regional Evaluation & Training Workshop - 2018 (Gangetic Region) on 6-7 December, 2018

ENVIS Regional Evaluation & Training Workshop - 2018 (Gangetic Region) on Thursday and Friday, 6-7 December, 2018 in National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

Events Photogallery

Event: Participation by CPCB EIACP in the National Exhibition cum Awareness event organized by WWF EIACP Centre under Mission LiFE

WWF EIACP Centre organized National Exhibition cum Awareness event during the 9th - 10th February, 2024 at India Gate, Delhi under Mission LiFE. CPCB EIACP PC RP also participated in event and displayed & distributed various eye-catching knowledge productes in the stall to educate people on Mission LiFE topics.

CPCB-EIACP officials actively interacted with participants, addressing their queries and concerns regarding pollution issues and the Mission LiFE campaign. The Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forest alongwith other officials of MoEF&CC also visited to CPCB EIACP stall.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2024 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: Webinar on Strategies for Sustainable Management of the Water Resources under Mission LiFE activities Theme "Water Saved"

Central Pollution Control Board EIACP Resource Partner conducted a Webinar on Strategies for Sustainable Management of the Water Resources under Mission LiFE activities on 13.11.2023.
Speaker Dr. R.K Singh, Scientist 'D' at CPCB elaborated various strategies for Sustainable Management of the Water Resources to the audience. A total no. of 44 participants were attended the event.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: EIACP Regional Evaluation Workshop Meet for Delhi Zone held on 27 October 2023

CPCB EIACP (PC-RP) attended the EIACP Regional Evaluation Workshop Meet for Delhi Zone, on 27.10.2023, held at Mukteshwar, Uttarakhand. CPCB EIACP PC RP prepared seven booklets on Mission LiFE 7 themes:
1. Energy Saved
2. Water Saved
3. Single Use Plastic Reduced
4. Sustainable Food Systems Adopted
5. Waste Reduced (Swachhata Actions)
6. Healthy Lifestyles Adopted
7. E-Waste Reduced
These booklets released during the EIACP Regional Evaluation Workshop 2023 at TERI's Himalayan Centre, Mukteshwar, Uttarakhand on dated 27th October, 2023, chaired by Ms Lipika Roy, Deputy Director, MoEF&CC with the Member Experts Sh. M. Subburaman and Er. S. Sudalai.
Sh. G. Ganesh, Sc. E and Coordinator and Ms. Hemlata, Programme officer, EIACP (PC-RP), CPCB Delhi were present from CPCB EIACP (PC-RP) Centre in the meeting and delivered presentation showcasing the work that CPCB EIACP centre has carried out for the last four financial years, i.e from F.Y. 2019-2020 to F.Y. 2022-2023. The program was hosted by TERI EIACP (PC-RP), Delhi.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: Conduction of Cleanliness drive and mass awareness campaign related to the mandates and concepts of Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)

Swachhata Hi Seva campaign at various locations in Delhi: Kalyanpuri, Connaught Place, Khanpur, Lodhi Garden and India Gate

The Delhi-based EIACP Programme Centres consisting of WWF, TERI, SPA, Sulabh-IIHH, CPCB and JNU EIACP PC-RPs, under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) joined hands for organizing a mass Cleanliness cum Awareness drive under ‘Swacchta Hi Seva’ campaign and ‘Mission LiFE’. The activities were held from 28th September to 02nd October 2023. As a part of the awareness activity, the cleanliness cum awareness drives were carried out at different identified locations in the Delhi region in association with the MCD staff in the presence of the area councillor, local communities and the Delhi Based EIACP PC-RP team members. The idea was to understand the importance of waste segregation at source, the journey of waste, waste to wealth, and alternatives to SUP.

Cleanliness and Awareness drive at Kalyan Puri, New Delhi dated 29th September, 2023

Setting up of Mission LiFE Photobooths at Inner Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi dated 30th September, 2023

Cleanliness and Awareness drive at Khanpur, New Delhi dated 01st October, 2023

Cleanliness and Awareness drive at India Gate, New Delhi dated 02nd October, 2023

Swacchta Hi Seva and Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #SwacchtaHiSeva #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: Webinar on Rain Water Harvesting under Mission LiFE activities Theme "Water Saved"

Central Pollution Control Board EIACP Resource Partner conducted a Webinar on Rain Water Harvesting under Mission LiFE activities on 19.09.2023.
Speaker Dr. Gargi Gurtu, Scientist at CPCB elaborated various important topics of Rain Water Harvesting to the audience. A total no. of 46 participants were attended the event.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: Community level Awareness programme under Mission LiFE

CPCB and CPCB EIACP Team conducted community level Awareness programme under Mission LiFE at Sector 17 Vasunndhra Enclave, GHAZIABAD, UP on 09.06.2023. about 70 people participated in the programme and took pledge.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: Awareness activities at Laxmi Public School under LiFE Theme "Water Saved"

CPCB EIACP PC-RP Conducted interactive awareness activities at Laxmi Public School, Manglam Road, Delhi on 15th May, 2023 Under LiFE Theme "Water Saved". The Students were actively participated in event to become "Pro Planet People". A total 120 students in two batches and 10 teachers were sensitized with the taking of pledge under the Mission LiFE.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: To promote Mission LiFE a Mass Awareness programme held in Uttrakhand

A five-day mass awareness programme promoting Mission LiFE was conducted from 20-24 March 2023 by Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme, Programme Centres and Resource Partners/Hubs (EIACP PC-RPs/Hubs) of Delhi, Uttarakhand and Punjab under Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.


LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: LiFE Programme at Delhi on Waste Management

Delhi-based EIACP Centres - TERI, WWF-India, JNU, SPA, CPCB, and Sulabh (IIHH), organized awareness program on 27 February 2023 under Mission Life at Mandawali, Delhi on Waste Management. The aim of the programme is how to reduce and recycle household waste.


LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: National Workshop on "LiFE"

The ‘National workshop on LiFE’ was inaugurated by Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Shri Bhupender Yadav on January 30, 2023. Around 60 Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) Centres across the country participated in the workshop.

LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment 2023 #missionlife #merilife #chooselife

Event: Reintroduction of " Cheetah in India" Date: 16th, September, 2022 CPCB ENVIS RP has conducted the session on ‘Cheetah Reintroduction in India’ at Laxmi Public School, Delhi. Session was attended by 50 students of class 8th and 10 Teachers and school staff.

Event: Webinar on Groundwater- Making the Invisible Visible on World Water Day, March 22, 2022 by CPCB ENVIS RP along with SPA ENVIS RP and SULABH ENVIS RP

Resource Persons:
* Mrs. Suniti Prashar Scientist ‘C’, Water Quality Management Division Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
* Dr Vikas Kamal Remote Sensing and GIS Expert Sulabh ENVIS RP
* Prof. Dr. Meenakshi Dhote Professor, Department of Environmental Planning School of Planning and Architecture

Event: Awareness drive for conservation of Yamuna River” on 21st December, 2021 by Delhi based ENVIS RPs


Event: Webinar on Status and Performance of CETPs in India, February 10th, 2021 by CPCB ENVIS RP

Resource Person Dr. K. Ranganathan, Additional Director,
Central Pollution Control Board

Event: Webinar on Understanding and Use of Air Quality Index on the occasion of World Environment Day, June 5th, 2020 by CPCB ENVIS RP

Resource Person Sh. Abhijit Pathak, Senior Scientist,
Central Pollution Control Board

Event: Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP)


Documents Verification and interview of candidates

Addressing to GSDP Candidates by Dr. Prashant Gargava, Member Secretary, CPCB


Lectures taken by CPCB officials and Guest faculty during course

GSDP Candidates understanding online air quality monitoring station


Practical Session in Air and Water Lab


Industry Visit


Sampling and analysis

Introduced GSDP Course to Foreign Delegates


GSDP Certificate Distribution


GSDP Candidates interviewed for placement

Event: National Review Meet (NRM) of ENVIS - 2019


Event: ENVIS Regional Evaluation & Training Workshop – 2018 (Lucknow)


Event: World Environment Day 2018


Event: BISAG Workshop-cum-training programme on GIS/Geo-mapping at Ahmedabad


Event: Community Driven-Environmental Sustainable Village Programme (CESVP)


Awareness Programme and Awareness Material Distribution


Donated Rainwater Harvesting Working Model in School by CPCB ENVIS RP


Interaction with villagers about Waste Segregation and Vermi-composting


Ground Water Sampling by CPCB ENVIS RP


Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, 1st June to 1st July 2017 by Delhi Based ENVIS RPs


Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi administer the pledge and participating in plantations drive


Cleanliness drives organized with support of Hon’ble Counsellor of Kasturba Nagar


March-past organized in during the event



Van Mahotsav, 1st July to 7th July 2017 by Delhi Based ENVIS RPs

Community-Driven Environmentally Sustainable Village Programme (C.E.S.V.P)


The dream of making India a developed nation can be fulfilled with a multi-pronged strategy aimed at developing all villages to make them self-sufficient and self-reliant. This can be achieved with decentralized models of development empowering local youth and capitalizing through sustainable management of natural resources - land, water, energy and human resource.

India lives in the villages with 60 percent of its population belonging to the rural areas. The targets for India to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) would be difficult without the sustainable, self-sufficient and empowered villages. At least 12 of the 17 SDGs are directly linked to rural sustainable development and governance, and the rest too can only be accomplished through the holistic development of our villages.

It was initiated to overcome the rising trees shortfall in India. Thus creating a void in sustainable development of the environment and our country. The constant felling of trees in India has been a problem for a long time, and Van Mahotsav is important in creating awareness of the issues.

For More Details:

Community Driven Environmentally Sustainable Village Programme (CESVP)

Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP)


In line with the Skill India Mission of Hon’ble Prime Minister, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) utilising the vast network and expertise of ENVIS Hubs/RPs, has taken up an initiative for skill development in the environment and forest sector to enable India's youth to get gainful employment and/or self-employment, called the Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP). The programme endeavours to develop green skilled workers having technical knowledge and commitment to sustainable development, which will help in the attainment of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Biodiversity Targets (NBTs), as well as Waste Management Rules (2016).

For More Details:

Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP)

Training Program on “Greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventory for Industries and Air Quality Prediction”


Three Day Training Program
“Greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventory for Industries and Air Quality Prediction”


March 4-6, 2016
Venue: ISM Industry Institute Interaction Facility, New Town, Kolkata.


We are glad to inform you that Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad is organizing 3 Day Training Program on ‘Greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventory for Industries and Air Quality Prediction” during March 4-6, 2016 , 2016 at ISM Industry Institute Interaction Facility, New Town, Kolkata.

About 31% of the global carbon emission occurs due to transmission, and distribution of electricity and about 21% comes from other industries. Many actions to mitigate the present GHG scenario are being taken on global platforms. As first round commitments of Kyoto protocol, initiative was taken within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It strongly suggested anthropogenic sources to bring down the GHG emission 5.2% below their corresponding levels of emissions as it was in 1990 plus/minus the reduction commitment of the country. In order to comply with the global as well as national standards of GHG emission, development of emission inventory for the anthropogenic sources like energy sectors, mining industries, construction industries etc. are of utmost importance.

The aim of this training program is to provide a comprehensive knowledge towards the detailed understanding of the present scenario of GHG emission and air quality from perspective of environmental welfare and industrial development. The widely used procedures for developing GHG inventory and prediction of air quality will be discussed in depth which will be beneficial to the planners, decision makers and management personnel of different industries.

You are hereby requested to make wide circulation of this program to concerned executives, academicians, researchers, field engineers, policy makers and others to whom you feel necessary in your esteemed institution/organization.

Contact person:

Dr. Manish Kumar Jain,
Associate Professor,
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
Centre of Mining Environment
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004
Ph : 91-326-2235476 (O), 91-326-2235576 (R)
91-9431711095 (M), 91-326- 2296624(Fax)
Resi: E-7, Teacher's colony
Webpage: http://manishjkm.tripod.com




Three Day Short term course


February 17-19, 2016
Venue: Kolkata, INDIA


We are pleased to inform you that the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India is going to organize a 3 - Day’s Short term course on "SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES" ( SWMP - 2016) during February 17-19, 2016 at Kolkata, INDIA.


Short Term Course Brochure.pdf

Regional Evaluation Workshop of ENVIS Centres of Northern Region
12th-13th January, 2015 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand


The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India held two days Regional Evaluation Workshop of ENVIS Centres of Northern Region during 12th-13th January, 2015 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The ENVIS Centre hosted at Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun, Uttarakhand was organised the Workshop on behalf of the MoEF.


Regional workshop was organized to evaluate the functioning of the ENVIS Centres as per the Guidelines of the ENVIS Scheme, framed by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India. An Expert Committee evaluated "online" the contents of ENVIS website and any other information product. The second day of the Workshop was marked by a crucial training by NRSC officals Shri P. G. Diwakar and Shri Arul Raj on Bhuvan portal, a geospatial portal to enable the GIS-based information in the websites of the ENVIS Centres.



Sh G. Ganesh, ENVIS Coordinator and Ms. Hemlata Mishra, Information Officer from CPCB ENVIS Centre attended the Regional Evaluation Workshop 2015.


All photos of the Northern Region workshop can be downloaded from this link:
Northern Region Workshop Photos

Seminar on “RE-ENVIS 2014” Overview of Renewable Energy Landscape in India
12th September 2014, at TERI, New Delhi


TERI has organized a one-day Seminar on “RE-ENVIS 2014” Overview of Renewable Energy Landscape in India as part of Environmental Information System (ENVIS) activity on 12th September 2014, at TERI, New Delhi.


This seminar was focus on about the current status of Renewable Energy in India and also to Share best practices, models, experiences, lessons learned and innovative methods to the researchers, experts, teachers etc for sustainable future.



Sh G. Ganesh, ENVIS Coordinator and Ms. Hemlata Mishra, Information Officer from CPCB ENVIS Centre attended one-day Seminar on RE-ENVIS 2014.



M/o Agriculture & Farmer Welfare,
Government of India


05 DECEMBER 2015



Soil Health Card Scheme.pdf

Letter of MoA&FW



National Interaction cum Evaluation Workshop for ENVIS
28th - 30th March, 2014 at Gangtok, Sikkim


The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India held three days National Interaction cum Evaluation Workshop of Environmental Information System ( ENVIS) Centres during March 28-30, 2014 at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok, Sikkim. The ENVIS Centre hosted at Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology (SCSTS), Gangtok was organised the Workshop on behalf of the MoEF.


National Workshop was organized to evaluate the activities of ENVIS Centres and decide their continuance based on their performance. All the ENVIS Centres set up by Ministry of Environment and Forests was invited to make the presentation of their activities in the workshop for the larger dissemination and also evaluation by the MoEF.



Sh G. Ganesh, ENVIS Coordinator and Ms. Hemlata Mishra, Information Officer from CPCB ENVIS Centre attended the National Interaction cum Evaluation Workshop 2014.

National Interaction cum Evaluation Workshop for ENVIS
29th-30th August, 2012 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh


The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India held two days National Interaction cum Evaluation Workshop of Environmental Information System ( ENVIS) Centres during August 29th - 30th, 2012 at DMI, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The ENVIS Centre hosted at Disaster Management Institute (DMI), Bhopal was organised the Workshop on behalf of the MoEF.


National Workshop was organized to evaluate the activities of ENVIS Centres and decide their continuance based on their performance. All the ENVIS Centres in the country set up by Ministry of Environment and Forests was invited to make the presentation of their activities in the workshop for the larger dissemination and also evaluation by the MoEF.



Sh G. Ganesh, ENVIS Coordinator from CPCB ENVIS Centre attended the National Interaction cum Evaluation Workshop 2012.